Our farm name is Conser Run Farm named after the stream that runs through the middle of the farm. We currently raise grass fed Angus cross beef and pasture raised pork for direct sale to the end user. We are always looking for more customers and new friends. If you are interested or have any questions please feel free to ask! Either leave a comment or email us through our social network account.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Ok, I'm back.

Well long story short, wife was checking out restaurant info our trip to the Purdue/Ohio State game last weekend and got a virus on computer.  Before I got home she restarted it and virus installed.  Spent a full week and $80 just to retrieve farm and bank records.  No fun.

Irregardless, I'm back!  And good news is Pig Pig is ready to have her little piglets!!!!  We made pen much bigger in barn with an area for the piglets to get away from the mother to take a nap if she goes out to eat.  There is a heat lamp in that area and a space big enough for only them to get in through.  That allows them to be safe and warm till they get big enough to wander out and explore. 

Normally, when a pig has it babies they will find a secluded area away from everyone else and build a nest to have them in.  Once they are born she will not move much at all for a few days till they are up and moving around good.  Then she will go look for food.  Since we are coming into winter we didn't want to have any piglets die in the cold so we built a little pen in the barn for them to use and shut her in the barn for a couple of days so she can nest in there and have her piglets without the other pig bothering her or them!

She is currently making a huge nest in the barn out of hay bedding and is restless to say the least!  I hope to either wake up to babies or come home from work to see them!

I will post pics as soon as they are born!

Wish her luck!


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