Our farm name is Conser Run Farm named after the stream that runs through the middle of the farm. We currently raise grass fed Angus cross beef and pasture raised pork for direct sale to the end user. We are always looking for more customers and new friends. If you are interested or have any questions please feel free to ask! Either leave a comment or email us through our social network account.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

What a mess!!

Well, the creek is finally down inside the banks for the first time in two weeks.  A week of rain got finished off by a day of slushy snow.  Today however was a beautiful day!

As I am writing this we are watching the live feed from Tokyo on the TV.  What a disaster!!  My wife was able to reach her parents by phone yesterday morning.  We didn't hear from her sister and her family till late in the day.  Everyone is ok and doing well.  They all live in suburbs around Tokyo.  The buildings they live in are fairly updated and modern and will take a lot before getting damaged. 

I have a good friend from Ohio State University who's brother and his family are over there right now.  He works for honda.  They were a lot closer to the major damage as they live in northern japan.  The only utility they currently have is water.  Food is very hard to find as is most anything else.  The good thing is they are all ok and noone got hurt.  The plant he works in is damaged badly and he is not sure when they will be able to reopen or if he will still get to come home at the end of the month.

They have had aftershocks off and on since the big one and they have had a total of four earthquakes.  The first one was 8.9, second was 6.8, then a 6.3, and they had a one around 5.5-6 this afternoon.  Not to mention all the aftershocks and tremors.  They also currently have one nuclear reactor melting down and two more on the verge.  I really hope they can get everything under control before it gets much worse.

So, to get everyone's mind off of it for a little bit we all went outside for a while.  Yesterday it was snowy and cold.  Today it was 60 and sunny with a strong breeze.  We checked the pigs and cows and then took a tractor ride out to give the cows a lick tub and pull some large trees out of the stream that were backing up the water pretty bad.  I got out and hooked the chain up and let the wife and kids pull it out while I videoed it.  I also videoed little man walking around in the pasture for the first time.  He had a blast.  He is looking like a true farmer tonight....flannel shirt and dirty jeans!!!



After we finished in the pasture we went across the creek to check out the hayfield and then went across the road into the woods to carve all our names into a beech tree up there.

Dude driving....or at least trying too!!  "Mom quit distracting me while I drive!)
 Posing after getting up from falling down.
The tree we used for our names.

My dad did this with all of us as kids in his woods up home.  The beech trees work the best as they will always have smooth bark on the trunk and can get to 200 years old if left alone and don't get hit with lightening.  This mark will definitely out live all of us.  There are marks like this on trees all over this area.

In other news, Steven, the young man who is partnering with me on the pig portion of our business, got appendicitis while working down in southern Ohio this week.  He went in for emergency surgery and is doing well.  They are expecting to bring him home tomorrow.

Lastly, my wife got hired in her field of study during the week.  She is quite happy and ready to go back to doing research again!!

Lets hope the earthquakes stop in Japan and the weather turns really nice here in Ohio!!

Goodnight everyone, talk to you soon!


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