Our farm name is Conser Run Farm named after the stream that runs through the middle of the farm. We currently raise grass fed Angus cross beef and pasture raised pork for direct sale to the end user. We are always looking for more customers and new friends. If you are interested or have any questions please feel free to ask! Either leave a comment or email us through our social network account.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Nicer day today!

Well, little bit better day today.  Some sunshine but mostly cloudy giving the rain we got some time to finish soaking in.  Creek is still very low.  It didn't rise at all which tells me the ground is still very dry.  We did get enough rain to green up the lawn though so I may get to mow it this month!

Pigs are doing well!  They and the cows are starting to make friends.  It is amazing what a little hunger will do for making friends!  The cows hay feeder is very close to the area where the pigs sleep and rest.  I will try to get a couple pics tomorrow so you can see!. 

This was Saturday morning.  These are the three little ones.  The largest is precious, she is mostly angus.  The closest is frosty, 50% Angus 50% shorthorn, she is named after the frosted appearance of her hair.  And the one on the right is Stormy, 25% red Holstein, 25% Hereford, and 50% angus and got his name from being born during a summer thunderstorm.  They were watching me as I was getting stuff ready for the day and stopped to see what they were up to!!  Precious is 5 months old, Frosty and Stormy are 2 months old.

Interesting note for today.  Beef cattle and dairy cattle differ on how they take care of their calves.  A beef cow will hide her calf when young and only go to it to feed it.  The beef calves will run around when the herd is near by but otherwise stays pretty well hidden till momma comes to get it.  Dairy cattle are quite different in the fact that they do not hide the calves and keep them with them most of the time.  Dairy calves will mingle with the herd more at a younger age than a beef calf will also.  This is difference comes from the fact that the diary cows have been more domesticated and are used to being kept in an enclosed area whereas a beef cow is more likely to be on open pasture or range and would rely on their survival instincts to protect them instead of mankind!

This is showing quite a bit in these three.  Precious and Frosty, which are both pure beef calves are commonly hiding most of the day. Stormy however, who is part dairy, is normally running around with the herd or bothering the other two to go and play.

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