Our farm name is Conser Run Farm named after the stream that runs through the middle of the farm. We currently raise grass fed Angus cross beef and pasture raised pork for direct sale to the end user. We are always looking for more customers and new friends. If you are interested or have any questions please feel free to ask! Either leave a comment or email us through our social network account.

Sunday, April 24, 2016

The roller coaster called "LIFE" continues!

I know it has been way too long since I have posted.  Things have continued to more hectic than normal around the farm here.  I am used to being busy and having lots of wheels turning all at the same time, however, things seem to be picking up the pace a lot!

We brought our puppy home four weeks ago.  He immediately became a part of the family.  The kids named him Zeus!  This is a picture of him this morning.  He has doubled in size already in the 4 weeks he has been here. 

This was a picture from the day after we brought him home during his first tractor ride.  

This was a little over a week after we brought him home.  I was resting on the chair and Prissy was on the foot area and Zeus was on my side.  Over the course of several "adjustments" he ended up using her as a pillow.  They have been cool with each other ever since.

This roller coaster ride includes weather changes, lots and lots of weather changes.  The day I brought Zeus home it was sunny and 65 degrees.  A week later it was 28 degrees with 2" of snow on the ground.  Within 48 hours it was 60 again.  To finish it off below is a picture of the weather two weeks ago.  It was 20 degrees with a total snow fall of around 3.5", most of which melted off of the hard surfaces before it got really cold.  By Wednesday of last week the temps were back in the 60's.

Even the cows were looking at me as if to say "SERIOUSLY!"

So, now that I am off of my soapbox on weather conditions I will dive into some other events of the last month.

My father in law went into the hospital very ill three weeks ago.  My wife flew back home to be with the family for a couple of weeks and came back last weekend.  The kids and I managed to keep everything going here at home but it was super hectic.  Her father is doing better but is still not completely well yet.  We are hoping he will get to go home sometime soon.

I want to share another thing that happened a little over a week ago.  Ever since I was a little kid I have been worried about getting hurt on the farm.  It only takes a split second for you to lose focus and you can get seriously hurt or even killed.  Unfortunately this happened to a family member of mine.  While harvesting some wood on the farm a tree fell in a direction opposite what it was supposed to coming down on the tractor.  My cousin avoided the tree but was crushed by the tractor instead and didn't make it.   He was a member of the Air Force Reserves and was a mechanic for the c-130 aircraft that fly over our farm during practice flights.  He also served multiple tours overseas defending our country.  He was laid to rest with full military honors on Tuesday and will be greatly missed.

I want to end on a positive note.   Over the course of several days last weekend I was able to get all of my seeding work done.  I seeded a bunch of new hay fields as well as a bunch of silage crops.  We had a nice soaking rain on Thursday/Friday that set the seed in perfectly.  I am already starting to see some germination.  I am super excited to see what this year holds and I can't wait to start making hay!  The best part was having Zeus along for the ride.  He is a natural and fit right in.  Most of the time he slept but every time I got out of the tractor he was up making sure everything was OK!

We are still planning on our annual hog roast on Sunday of Memorial Day Weekend.  We hope to see many of you there.  Our only hold up right now is finding someone to roast the hog!  If you know anyone please let me know!

Have a wonderful week everyone!


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