Our farm name is Conser Run Farm named after the stream that runs through the middle of the farm. We currently raise grass fed Angus cross beef and pasture raised pork for direct sale to the end user. We are always looking for more customers and new friends. If you are interested or have any questions please feel free to ask! Either leave a comment or email us through our social network account.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Pasture raised pork Kielbasa

We went today to pick up the fresh pork from the butcher.  We have to pick up all the fresh meat the week they cut because they do not have enough space and baskets to store it till everything is done.  We will be back next week to pick up all the smoked meats.

I was Thrilled to find out they had the Kielbasas ready as well.  This is our first time trying them out as we just noticed they started making last year after it was too late to get some made.  There is an extra charge for making them but I was willing to give them a try.

Our pasture raised pork Kielbasas
 I stoked up the fire in the wood fire pit outside and we cooked up the two packs of misfit kielbasas.  these were the end pieces and the odd sized ones.  My wife cooked up a batch of home made hot dog buns for them as well as some home made Coleslaw.
Kielbasa cooking on the wood fire pit grill
 We were not disappointed.  They are worth every extra penny to have them made up.  I know any of my customers who try them will feel the same.  The seasoning is great, the smoking is perfect, and they were juicy but not over juicy to where you needed a towel to eat them.  We will definitely be getting a bunch more made up next year if I sell all of these.  

Kielbasa in home made buns
  Since it was a beautiful day out I took some time to go for a four wheeler ride with the kids out to check the cows.  We are supposed to be having our first calf later this month and I need to start checking on them daily to catch them when they are born so we can tag them.  When I stopped to open the gate I noticed that there was a different face in the feeder than normal.  It was our Miniature donkey Mario eating his dinner next to Sally Shorthorn.  He just had his hooves trimmed up last week and is apparently feeling spunky and got himself a prime spot at the middle of the feeder to eat today!

Our miniature donkey Mario eating with the cows.
I was given Friday off from work so I took advantage of the awesome sunny weather and did a spring clean up of all the landscaping here at home.  When I did it last year it was 40 degrees, cloudy, and very windy and cold.  This year it was sunny and warm and felt great to be outside!  It also helped that two of my good friends came down to get some fire wood and stayed to help get it all done.  Now all I need to do is mulch everything sometime in April and we will be good for the year as far as the beds go! 

Bed edging at front of the house

After dinner I took a short ride up to the top of the hill where the sled riding path starts.  I am going to try to take a picture from the same spot at least once a week through out the year.  Maybe more often if I can.  I think it will be a neat time lapse project to see how things change through out the year!

Picture of the house and sledding path from North East of house.

Well, I am exhausted after a great couple of days of working around the farm.  I have a lot of other things to clean up as well and I am looking forward to some warmer weather.

Have a great day everyone!


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