Our farm name is Conser Run Farm named after the stream that runs through the middle of the farm. We currently raise grass fed Angus cross beef and pasture raised pork for direct sale to the end user. We are always looking for more customers and new friends. If you are interested or have any questions please feel free to ask! Either leave a comment or email us through our social network account.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Mushrooms, New Calf, and a Priceless moment!

Well, it has been another very busy week mainly due to work.  We decided to try a new idea at work this week and started mulching our large commercial properties at night to avoid traffic, people, and interruptions.  We increased our productivity two to three times more than what we do in the daytime on the same properties.  The downside was that I was up all night and it took all week to adjust, going back in again tonight for a second week.

A benefit to being on night shift is being the early bird to look for mushrooms.  They started very early this year but just a few have come out to peak so far. 

 I found these little guys in my woods.  Haven't found any anywhere else.  Hoping it warms back up again so they will start producing soon!  I am craving them bad.  These barely made an omelet.

A priceless moment!

 Clearing a new area of field of trees and stumps, grading it out, and seeding : $700

Finding a used 4x4 honda atv, purchase and fuel to bring home : $1450

Getting your five year old daughter and two year old son to pick up sticks and rocks from field for an hour and have fun doing : PRICELESS!!

After picking up the rocks from the new field we brought them all down to the house and used them to fill in the bare edges of the beds where I lost some gravel mulch while cleaned up the lawn and beds last weekend.

We also have a new aviary guest living here on the farm.  The other day I thought I saw a large white pigeon in one of the trees in the pasture.  Then yesterday I was out working in the yard and there it was, eating the leftover sunflower seeds on the ground below the bird feeder.

My wife and kids had some friends over yesterday.  They played all over the farm.  They checked out the pigs, the pasture, and the cows and even got see a new calf right after it was born!

This is Precious with her new baby heifer.  This is her first calf and it is 50's first grand daughter.   This picture was taken just a couple minutes after birth.

She is also Thunder's first calf.  She is quite big, I am guessing her to be about 90-95's.  My average calf here is about 65-75's.   She got up within minutes and was eating within the hour. 

I am very happy with the color.  Her momma is 1/8 Hereford and 7/8's angus.  Her daddy I thought to be 1/2 Charolais and 1/2 Angus.  He may be mostly Charolais as I wasn't expecting such a light colored calf.  She is very cute and I am very happy with her!

She and her mother were off to explore as I headed up to the house to visit with our guests.

I wanted to drop in a picture of the pigs enjoying the garden.  I will have to take them out this week as they have completely cleared it out and are getting close to messing up the grapes.  After taking them off the garden I am going to borrow dads large tractor tiller and till it and rake out and mulch it to keep the weeds from coming back.  If it is loose enough I may just try to rake it out and not turn it any more. 

Have a great weekend everyone.


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